
有很多準備遠嫁(娶)英國的台灣女子或男子,在申請英國配偶簽證(Spouse Settlement Visa)前都必須準備結婚證書(不含符合同居兩年申請的配偶簽)。如果你是準備在台灣做結婚登記,並在台灣申請配偶簽的人,就一定要請英國老公(老婆)申請『單身證明』。

簡單來說就要過4關,申請單身證明 ➜ 英國政府驗證 ➜ 駐英國台北代表處驗證 ➜ 翻譯成中文,就可以手拉手去登記啦!



✏ 步驟一

2/14 老公打電話到當地的註冊所(Register Office)預約說要申請單身證明(Certificate of no Impediment to Marriage)

老公居住的地方為Staffordshire,致電後收到 Staffordshire Registration Office 簡訊通知面試時間及注意事項。



As per our telephone conversation, you are booked in for an appointment on Tuesday 19th February, 2019, 13:30om at our Newcastle office.


Please read the details below carefully regarding what documents we can accept at your appointment, Valid Passports and your driving licences showing your current address are ideal.  


Please note, it is very important that you provide us with the exact details as to how the country in which you are getting married want the place of marriage to appear on the certificate. We can only take this information from you.


You must also check the length of validity of the certificate in the country of marriage, certificates are dated with the date of notice and the issue date, they do not have an expiry date.


You need to give a Notice of Intention to Marry in the district where you live (this depends on who you pay your council tax to) to obtain a certificate of No Impediment. The waiting period is 28 days.


Certificates of No Impediment can only be issued to British Citizens.


You will need to provide certain documents at the appointment, all documents must be originals, we are unable to accept photocopies.


Proof of identity


A valid passport or you can prove your identity with the following:


• Birth Certificate (Please note: If you're born after 1983 and do not hold a valid UK passport, you will need your full birth certificate and your mother's birth certificate.)


Proof of address


You will also need to supply proof of your address by providing one of the following documents, which must also show your full name:


• Valid driving licence


• Utility bill: Dated no more than 3 months before the date on which notice is given.


• Bank or building society statement or passbook: Dated no more than 1 month before the date on which notice is given.


• Council tax bill: Dated no more than 1 year before the date on which notice is given.


• Mortgage statement: Dated no more than 1 year before the date on which notice is given.


• Current residential tenancy agreement.


• Letter from the owner of the address where you live. This letter must have the owner's full name, address and signature. It must also state that you've lived at the address for 9 days or more.



Other documents


If either of you have been married before, you will also need:


• Proof of the termination of your previous marriage by death, divorce or nullity.


• If your divorce papers have not been issued in England or Wales we will need to see the original divorce document and a translation. There may also be a delay in issuing the authority for marriage.


If either of you have changed your name legally before such as through deed poll or a solicitor, you will also need:


• Proof of name change.


If either of you are under 18, you will also need:


• Proof that your parents (or legal guardians) agree to the marriage.


• If your parents are divorced we may need to see the court order that gives custody to one of your parents.


Giving notice costs £35 each, and you must both give a separate notice of marriage.


Kind regards,


Staffordshire Registration Officer


✎ 以上重點整理:



① 有效的護照

② 可以證明地址的文件 (如:Valid driving licence、Utility bill 、Bank statement、Council tax bill 等)

③ 其他文件 (適用於特殊情形如有離婚或變更名字紀錄)


✏ 步驟二

2/19 老公前往 Staffordshire Registration Office


① Full Name 全名 ② Age 年齡 ③ Condition 婚姻狀態 ④ Occupation 職業 

⑤ Place of residence 居住地址 ⑥ Period of residence 在此地居住多久 

⑦ District and country in which the marriage is to be solemnized 要登記結婚的地點 (我們提供桃園戶政事務所的英文名稱及完整英文地址) 

⑧ Nationality, country of residence 國籍、居住國家


噹~噹~噹~ 英國單身證明本尊!



✏ 步驟三


網站傳送門在此 ➜


Start now ➜ Start a standard application ➜ Check your document 

➜ 搜尋 輸入 Certificate of no impediment ➜ 下方 Select 

➜ 輸入數量 Quantity 1 後 Continue ➜ 打勾後 Continue ➜ 填寫 Your details 

➜ 文件寄回地址為英國地址 Yes 輸入 Return address details enter postcode 搜尋地址 

➜ Number of documents (How many documents do you want to legalise?) 

➜ Sending us your documents (Select how you’ll send your documents) 

➜ Returning your documents (Select a delivery method for the return of your documents) 

➜ About your documents 依個人情況填寫 ➜ About your application 依個人情況填寫 

➜ Feedback consent ➜ Check your answers before paying for your application 

➜ 文件認證的費用為£30 + 寄回文件的郵資 (依據選擇的寄回方式)




✏ 步驟四


網站傳送門在此 ➜





✏ 步驟五









地址:100 台北市中正區重慶南路1段121號7樓之1

電話:02-2388-8688 分機 23 聯絡人:黃小姐

傳真:02-2331-8361 記得備註 “ 給分機23黃小姐,謝謝您!”



☏ NOTE: 記得辦理前3天先致電預約唷!


① 台灣籍配偶戶口名簿或戶籍謄本(要辦理遷入登記至對方戶口必準備)

② 台籍配偶國民身分證及護照 & 外籍配偶護照

③ 雙方印章或現場簽名即可

④ 結婚書約正本(戶政事務所人員會收走1份,想留存回憶就會哭啊!建議準備2份)

⑤ 獻上都完成驗證熱騰騰的單身證明(含中譯本)

⑥ 證件照(更換身份證用)

⑦ 取用中文姓名聲明書(現場有,可以先想好外籍配偶的中文名字)




★ 記得登記當天一併申請英文版結婚證書英文版戶籍謄本以供未來申請配偶簽證所用喔!





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